When We Meet
Sun, 10:15 A.M. Church Service in Sanctuary. Fellowship Hall is overflow area, with livestream. The Service is also live on FM 88.3 and on video later in the day. Cookies and coffee after service ( 1st Sunday of Month Communion and potluck.)
Children’s Church during Service, after 2nd song for Preschool to 4th grade
Sun 9:30 A.M. Sunday School/Bible Study for all ages
Youth Meetings Sundays 6:30-8pm
Sun 6:15 PM, Women’s Bible Study
Wed, 10AM, Men’s and Women’s Life Groups
Ladies Bible Study, every Wednesday evening 6 to 7 p.m.
Life Groups various times of the week and locations
Sewing for the Savior Thursdays 10am
Widow and Widowers Group Friday mornings
Men's group Saturdays 8am every 3rd Saturday.
Issachar Perspective starting again in September 1st Saturday of the month - an hour exploring hard topics and current events in the light of Scripture.
Evangelism training with Mike Wilson of Open Air Campaigners