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Connecting imperfect people to a perfect God thereby making Christ known

Sylvester Community Church exists to glorify God through obedience to the Great Commission in worship, prayer, fellowship, evangelism outreach, Bible study and discipleship in going out into our community where we can demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ.


This vision reaches out by God's grace as far as our infinite God will take us!


No one is perfect and neither are we - you will fit in perfectly and there will always be a seat for you! Together we are choosing to get to know the only One Who is perfect - God Himself, Jesus Christ.


We love to connect people to their Creator, His Word and others in pursuit of deeper relationships with God and each other. We are passionately making sure people of all ages have plenty of opportunities to connect within our church family.


We are a church family of people of all ages and backgrounds, ethnicity and race with Christ as our commonality. God created us for Himself and each other - never to be alone. 


Why go to church? Great question: glad you asked!


We were created to do life together in Christ as His "Body", meaning we need each other. The fire burning a piece of coal quickly goes out when taken out of the fire; put it back into the fire and together the coals experience great warmth no matter the coldness of the night!  Christ said that He came to give us life in abundance (John 10:10) both now and forever: He freely shares His own eternal life with any who come to Him in simple faith and grows us together in Him.

That is why we go to church!

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